Awakened Mind



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Mental Health Care Service

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You can find us at

40 Gardere avenue
Curl Curl

or call us on 0439446888


Mental Health Care Service by Awakened Mind - Awakened Mind is the brainchild of global mindfulness and leadership authority, Michael Bunting, who has spent the last 26 years teaching mindful leadership to some of the world’s biggest companies including Hilton Hotels, Qantas, Novartis and Rio Tinto.

Michael’s extensive experience and proven success in applying mindfulness to corporate leadership, combined with Julien's expertise in Human Resources enterprise software, led them to create a solution that would fit the needs of any modern organisation: the Awakened Mind app.

Awakened Mind leverages technology to assist you in promoting mental health within your organisation and create an environment your team loves working in. The app provides you with a range of educational and practical content that enhances mental fitness through mindfulness and alleviates some of the most important mental health issues within organisations such as anxiety, stress and depression.

Are you and organisation looking for a support tool to assist you with your Organisational Development initiatives? Or are you a mindfulness consultant in need of a digital tool to help you scale your impact?

Get in touch at [email protected]

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