Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry: Mitchell


Michigan, USA

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(248) 644-2136

Dental Health

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You can find us at

555 South Old Woodward Avenue, Suite 701
Birmingham, Michigan

or call us on (248) 644-2136


Dental Health by Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry: Mitchell - World-class cosmetic dentistry in downtown Birmingham and an amazing Teeth Whitening Spa you will love! Offering experienced dental implants, dentures, porcelain veneers, clear aligners, and general dental services that focus on a high level of care. Take advantage of Dr. Milan's amazing talent and expertise for comprehensive dental - with an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry and your overall oral health. Dr. Milan is considered one of the nation's leading cosmetic dentists.

Related queries for birmingham center for cosmetic dentistry: mitchell

Invisalign Clear Braces
Porcelain Veneers
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening

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