Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers


Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

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(201) 583-5765

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You can find us at

239 Washington St Suite 307
Jersey City, New Jersey

or call us on (201) 583-5765


Legal Services by Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers - If you find yourself in need of legal representation for accident and injury law matters in New Jersey, Brach Eichler Injury Lawyers is the firm you can trust. Situated in Jersey City, our dedicated team of Jersey City injury lawyers is committed to delivering exceptional results for our clients. With extensive experience in personal injury practice areas, particularly auto accidents, we take immense pride in providing outstanding representation. At Brach Eichler, we believe in tireless advocacy and unwavering determination, ensuring that we fight for the settlement or verdict you are entitled to. Take the first step towards justice by scheduling a free consultation with our firm today. We are ready to listen to your concerns, assess the merits of your case, and guide you through the legal process, providing you with the support you need to achieve a favorable outcome. Call us today for more information!

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