Carbaugh Trucking


Pennsylvania, USA

(717) 658-6471


Areas we cover

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You can find us at

6945 Rock Hill Rd
Waynesboro, PA

or call us on (717) 658-6471


Transport by Carbaugh Trucking - Established in 2008, Carbaugh Trucking is a freight company committed to providing top-notch trucking services. As your local transport service, we proudly serve Scranton, PA, Chambersburg, PA, and the surrounding areas. Our company is anchored on the principles of reliability, punctuality, and safety with every product we transport. So much more than just a trucking company, we aim to serve as your dependable partner in securing the efficiency of your business operations. At Carbaugh Trucking, we deliver your goods, and we guarantee peace of mind. Let us handle your transport service needs today.

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