Challenge Coin Builder


Tampa, Florida, USA

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11743 Fennemore Way

or call us on 954-358-9473


Online Shops by Challenge Coin Builder - Welcome to Challenge Coin Builder, your premier destination for creating custom challenge coins and other personalized products for military and service members. We are dedicated to honoring the bravery, dedication, and achievements of those who serve our country by providing high-quality, custom-crafted items that carry immense meaning and value.
At Challenge Coin Builder, we understand the significance of challenge coins as powerful symbols of camaraderie, accomplishment, and belonging within the military and service communities. These iconic coins have a rich history dating back to World War I and have since become a cherished tradition across various branches of the armed forces, law enforcement agencies, and other service organizations.
With our passion for excellence and attention to detail, we strive to offer a seamless and memorable experience for our customers. Our team of skilled artisans and designers combines traditional craftsmanship with modern techniques to produce stunning challenge coins that reflect the unique stories, values, and achievements of our clients.
Whether you are looking to create a custom challenge coin to commemorate a special event, recognize an individual's exceptional service, or strengthen the bond within your unit or organization, we are here to bring your vision to life. Our user-friendly online design tool allows you to personalize every aspect of your coin, from selecting the shape, size, and metal finish to incorporating intricate artwork, text, and even photographs.

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