Coastal Cart


Bayonne, New Jersey, USA

(732) 908-7186


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You can find us at

601B Main Street

or call us on (732) 908-7186


Golf by Coastal Cart - Coastal Cart is a renowned golf cart dealer in Bayville, NJ, offering a wide range of high-quality golf carts and accessories. Whether you're in search of a street legal golf cart or a Low-Speed Vehicle (LSV) for your transportation needs, Coastal Cart has you covered. They proudly offer a diverse selection of top-notch golf carts, including popular models like Navitas, Evolution D5 LSV, Evolution D5 Ranger, and Evolution D5 Maverick. As an authorized Evolution golf cart dealer, Coastal Cart provides customers with access to cutting-edge electric vehicles that deliver exceptional performance and reliability. Whether you're a golf course owner or a recreational golfer, these innovative golf carts are designed to enhance your experience on and off the course. In addition to their extensive golf cart inventory, Coastal Cart offers a wide array of accessories to customize your ride. From practical add-ons like windshields, lights, and mirrors to stylish options such as custom wheels and seats, they have everything you need to personalize your golf cart according to your preferences. Coastal Cart prioritizes customer satisfaction and provides a seamless shopping experience. Their website features detailed product descriptions, specifications, and high-resolution images to help you make informed decisions. Their knowledgeable and friendly staff is readily available to address any inquiries and offer expert guidance throughout the purchasing process. Whether you're in the market for a street legal golf cart, an LSV, or any Evolution golf cart model, Coastal Cart is your trusted destination. Explore their extensive inventory and wide selection of accessories to find the perfect solution for your golf cart needs. Experience top-notch service and quality with Coastal Cart, the premier golf cart dealer in Bayville.

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