Embark Behavioral Health



Scottsdale, Arizona, USA


Mental Health Care Service

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You can find us at

7373 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite D 120

or call us on 480-992-3137


Mental Health Care Service by Embark Behavioral Health - Our outpatient clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona helps adolescents, teens, and young adults ages 12-28 with mental health issues through intensive outpatient treatment and a partial hospitalization program. Along with outpatient treatment, Embark Behavioral Health operates an exceptional network of therapy programs across the United States including virtual IOPs, outdoor therapy, residential treatment, therapeutic boarding school, and transitional living.

Related queries for embark behavioral health

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
Trauma-Focused cognitive behavioral therapy TF-CBT
Attachment-focused therapy

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