Emmaus Medical & Counseling



Tennessee, USA

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Mental Health Care Service

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You can find us at

273 Hwy. 11E Suite E
Bulls Gap

or call us on 4233934146


Mental Health Care Service by Emmaus Medical & Counseling - We at Emmaus Medical aim to provide the best addiction recovery treatment in Nashville, Johnson City & Bulls GapTennessee. We are here to give you hope when it feels lost, and light when it seems dark. We offer detox, individual & group counseling, and outpatient services to fit your recovery needs. With 15 years of experience in the field of substance abuse treatment, we are confident that Emmaus Medical can be a turning point in your life. We understand that you are suffering right now, and that's okay. You are never alone. We can help. However long your struggle has been, it is time to seek the solutions that will give you the life you want and deserve. https://emmausmedicalandrecovery.com

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Addiction treatment center
Mental health clinic
Rehabilitation center
Alchoholism treatment program

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