Five Borough Filing & Expediting


New York, USA

(212) 577-2676


Areas we cover

new york
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You can find us at

291 Broadway #1615
New York, NY

or call us on (212) 577-2676


Consultants by Five Borough Filing & Expediting - Founded in 2007, Five Borough Filing & Expediting has been dutifully serving Manhattan, NY, Brooklyn, NY and surrounding areas with insightful and reliable permit expediting services. As an experienced permit expediter, our trusted team is skilled at ensuring your permits, including plumbing permits, are obtained quickly and without the hassle. We're especially proficient at handling any violation permit expediting needs. Our goal is to simplify the process, delivering peace of mind to all our business and residential clients. Let us keep your project on time and on budget. Reach out to us today for seamless permit solutions.

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Permit Expediter
Violation Permit Expediter
Building Researcher
Variance Permit Expediter
Permit Expediting
Plumbing Permits
Variance Permits
Renovation Approvals
Transportation Permits

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