Fyzical Bay-Ridge



New York, USA

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Fitness & Exercise

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7406 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11209

or call us on 03477723424


Fitness & Exercise by Fyzical Bay-Ridge - Physical therapy is considered one of the most effective and non-surgical treatments for treating various musculoskeletal pain or discomfort. Fyzical Therapy & Balance Centers has an experienced team of physical therapists who offer specialized treatment services for any pain, injury, or discomfort you may be feeling. We are located in Brooklyn, NY. Our therapists uses sophisticated methods for proper diagnoses, such as movement investigation and gait analysis. Our therapists are developing specialized treatment plans for better treatment and faster recovery. For more information and an appointment, contact us at 833-444-4399 or visit our website https://www.fyzical.com/bay-ridge-ny

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