FYZICAL Therapy and Balance Center



Illinois, USA

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630 - 444 -7353

Fitness & Exercise

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15412 S Route 59 Ste 118, Plainfield, IL,

or call us on 630 - 444 -7353


Fitness & Exercise by FYZICAL Therapy and Balance Center - FYZICAL Plainfield is unlike any therapy clinic you've been to before. At FYZICAL Plainfield, our highly skilled, compassionate team of physical therapists are 100% focused on achieving optimal health and wellness for you so you can get back to living the life you enjoy.
We have equipped with exceptional and compassionate physical therapy in Plainfield, to offer tailored Pt treatment and other rehab services.
Our FYZICAL therapists are experts in the evaluation and treatment of the human body, caring for people of all ages. We treat a variety of muscle, joint and neurological conditions specializing in orthopedics, sports medicine, neurological rehabilitation, manual therapy, and balance therapy.
The comprehensive evaluation and wellness programs at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers in Plainfield will help you achieve the pinnacle of healthy living, expand your boundaries and feel better. Our highly skilled therapy providers are 100% focused on your optimal health; our goal is to help you Love Your Life®!Our team of Physical Therapists at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Center - Plainfield, IL, is one of the best ranked in the city and takes pride in providing specialized care and excellent physical therapy sessions. Call us right away! +1 630-444-7353 . Come visit our physical therapy clinic or request an appointment online

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Physical therapists ,balance exercises physical therapy

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