GK Cleaning ltd



London, England, UK

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Cleaning & Pests

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You can find us at

239 Kensington High St, London W8 6SN, United King
W8 6SN

or call us on 7915297459


Cleaning & Pests by GK Cleaning ltd - GK Cleaning Ltd is a professional domestic cleaning company based in Central London. We offer a range of services including regular cleaning, one-off cleaning, ironing and laundry, and daily or weekly cleaning. We are dedicated to providing a high quality, reliable and affordable service to our customers. We understand the importance of a clean home and the positive impact it can have on your life. Our team of experienced and friendly cleaners will take care of all your cleaning needs, so you can relax and enjoy your free time. Contact us today to find out more about our services or to book a free no-obligation quote.

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