Greenwood Dental Smiles


Greenwood, Indiana, USA

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(317) 885-7760

Dental Health

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You can find us at

1678 Fry Rd Ste B
Greenwood, IN

or call us on (317) 885-7760


Dental Health by Greenwood Dental Smiles - Greenwood Dental Smiles is a highly rated, family-oriented dental office located in the heart of Greenwood, IN. We specialize in world-class family and cosmetic dentistry by utilizing the latest dental technology an materials. At every visit our highly caring and experienced staff will give your family a five-star dental experience.

Our mission is to ensure that all of our patients get the best oral and overall care possible. We ensure our patients maintain healthy and attractive smiles by offering a wide variety of general dentistry services, along with state-of-the-art cosmetic procedures. Some of the services we offer are oral hygiene/cleanings for adults and children, dental fillings/composite restorations, bonding, crowns, bridges, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, full mouth rehabilitation/smile design, full and partial dentures (metal and non-metal), dental implants, implant-retained dentures, Invisalign, and Botox!

Many patients have anxiety at the dentist. To ensure you feel safe and comfortable, Drs. Jillian Samela and Ben Diekhoff are here to listen to your concerns and provide solutions to ease your worries. They will educate you and help you understand the best treatment plan to improve your oral and overall health. In addition, our front office can offer many different financing options to ensure that the treatment recommended is affordable for you!

Our goal is to be the best dental office in Greenwood, and we look forward to creating lifelong relationships with our patients. Give us a call today at (317) 885-7760! Feel free to check out our 180+, 5-star reviews on our Google My Business page!

Related queries for greenwood dental smiles

General Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Porcelain Veneers
Teeth Whitening
Dental Fillings
Implant Dentures
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Dental Bridges
Dental Implants

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