Hastings Law Firm, Medical Malpractice Lawyers



Phoenix, Arizona, USA


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4041 North Central Avenue Suite 565

or call us on 6027264617


Legal Services by Hastings Law Firm, Medical Malpractice Lawyers - At Hastings Law Firm, Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ, we understand that facing the consequences of a medical error can be an overwhelming experience requiring compassionate yet vigorous legal assistance. Our practice specializes in championing the rights of individuals who have been wronged by healthcare providers' mistakes. Leading our team is Mr. Tommy Hastings—a determined malpractice attorney near me—whose commitment to his client's well-being shines through every case handled at our firm. With a deep understanding that each situation demands personalized attention and tailored strategy, we provide thorough and attentive services to those seeking Arizona medical malpractice lawyers committed to making things right again after suffering injuries due to medical negligence; whether it's from mismanagement or lack of proper care standards within hospitals across Arizona. For any inquiries or concerns about potential cases involving wrongful death or various types of clinical mishaps leading to harm—as your local medical malpractice lawyer near me—we offer a free consultation without financial risk: You owe us nothing unless we win your case.

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