Husky Roofing


Ohio, USA

(419) 467-4933


Areas we cover

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You can find us at

8255 Angola Rd
Holland, OH

or call us on (419) 467-4933


Roofers by Husky Roofing - Established in 2004, Husky Roofing has become a trusted roofing contractor serving Maumee, OH, Sylvania, OH and surrounding areas. We specialize in residential roofing solutions and offer top-notch roofing repairs to keep your home safe against the elements. In addition, we extend our services to include snow plowing, ensuring your property remains accessible and unencumbered by harsh winter weather. With our experienced team and dedication to customer satisfaction, we stand as the premier choice for all your roofing and winter care needs. Choose Husky Roofing and experience our unparalleled service commitment today!

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Residential Roofing Contractor
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Snow Plowing
Roofing Repairs
Metal Roofing
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Flat Roofs

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