

London, England, UK

07710 609 983

Locksmiths & Keycutting

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You can find us at

39 Belhouse Avenue
South Ockendon
RM15 4DA

or call us on 07710 609 983


Locksmiths & Keycutting by InstaLock - InstaLock is a reputable team of Certified Master Locksmiths sanctioned by the Master Locksmith Association. As a comprehensive locksmith service provider, we have established a track record of delivering swift, professional solutions to clients across Es***, East London, and surrounding areas for an extensive period. Our offerings span from rapid 30-minute lock-out assistance to proficient lock replacements and precision key cutting services.

Moreover, we extend our expertise to cater to the needs of Letting Agents, Housing Associations, and Energy companies, ensuring their security requirements are met with utmost professionalism and reliability.


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