Jason Landess & Associates



Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Legal Services

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las vegas
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You can find us at

7054 Big Springs Ct
Las Vegas

or call us on 725-600-0957


Legal Services by Jason Landess & Associates - "Welcome to Jason Landess & Associates, a trusted and renowned business law firm serving the Las Vegas, Nevada community since 1980. Led by seasoned attorney Jason Landess, we specialize in complex civil litigation, handling cases that demand extensive knowledge and expertise. Notably, we are proud to have successfully argued cases in bankruptcy court and appeared before the prestigious Nevada Supreme Court and the Federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Our firm's notable achievements include overseeing the second-longest civil jury trial in Nevada's history. With a commitment to delivering outstanding results and personalized attention, Jason Landess & Associates is here to navigate the complexities of the legal system on your behalf."

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