Kids Smiles Pediatric Dentistry


St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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(314) 270-5817

Dental Health

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You can find us at

9735 Landmark Parkway Dr., Suite #16
St. Louis

or call us on (314) 270-5817


Dental Health by Kids Smiles Pediatric Dentistry - Dr. Kelly Jobe and her team at Kids Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, in St. Louis, MO, treat every child as their own and ensure they have a fun and happy visit to the dentist! Kids Smiles believes every child deserves great, minimally invasive pediatric dental care. If you're looking for the best pediatric dentist in St. Louis, look no further! Dr. Kelly Jobe and her pediatric dental staff cater to your child's individual dental needs and have designed the entire office around your child's comfort.

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Exams & Cleanings
Laser Frenectomy
Fluoride Treatments

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