Livita Parkway Retirement Residence
Retirement & Assisted Living Facility
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You can find us at
Livita Parkway Retirement Residence
1645 Pickering Pkwy
L1V 7E9
or call us on (905) 426-6603
Home Care Services by Livita Parkway Retirement Residence - Parkway Retirement Residence is a nursing home in Pickering designed for active seniors who want to maintain an active and independent lifestyle. Located a few minutes away from the city center, it is a great place to relax and enjoy a lot of parks and waterfronts.
As part of our Live Balanced, Live Better philosophy, we offer various programs that cater to every resident's needs. We have regular leisure and recreation activities that allow active seniors to be engaged and pursue their hobbies and interests. We also have top-notch dining services that deliver nutritious and well-balanced meals. Our Assisted Living Services promote the physical and mental wellness of our residents. Learn more about our community today. Call 905-426-6603.
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