Marcelle's Carpentry and Building


Melbourne, Australia

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04 11 101 2 99

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You can find us at

16 Wombalano Rd, Mount Evelyn

or call us on 04 11 101 2 99


Office Services by Marcelle's Carpentry and Building - Marcelle’s Carpentry and Building is one of the best qualified carpenters in Melbourne. With vast experience in and practical skills for renovation and restoration of both modern and old houses, our restoration specialists can provide you satisfied, quality and time-bound work.

Marcelle's is widely recognised for its specialist service for carpentry in Melbourne. We have a skilled fleet of restoration specialists who can offer you unmatched quality for window repairs.

If you are in search of a quality picket fences, ask us! We also provide picket fencing in Melbourne.

You can also ask us for quality and accurate service for decking in Melbourne. We are specialised in decking service.

Call us on 0411 101 299 for all your requirements for carpentry in Melbourne and our specialised female carpenter will happily assist you!


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