Menashe & Sons Jewelers


Seattle, Washington, USA

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(206) 932-4272


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4532 California Ave SW

or call us on (206) 932-4272


Jewellery by Menashe & Sons Jewelers - Looking for a unique and beautiful jewelry piece for your partner? Need something rare and authentic diamond ornament for your someone special? Well, Menashe & Sons Jewelers are the premier jewelers in Seattle, WA, you can count upon. We are the master jewelers who specialize in custom jewelry. Whether you need a custom-made Rutilated quartz necklace, square Rose gold ring or a Cartier-Inspired bracelet, we can design it for you. Our experienced jewelers are known for their excellent craftsmanship and attention to detail. Plus, we also offer second-hand personalized Rolex watches that level up your wrist game. So, why wait? Order from our online jewelry store now!

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