Mom Kid Care


Anchorage, Alaska, USA

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Pregnancy & Birth

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2nd Floor, Plot Number, 2, Vikas Marg, Hargobind
Anchorage Municipality

or call us on 01143060808


Pregnancy & Birth by Mom Kid Care - Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and a myriad of physical and emotional changes. As an expectant mother, taking care of your well-being is paramount not only for yourself but also for the health and development of your growing baby. One powerful way to nurture your body, mind, and spirit during this transformative time is through prenatal yoga. And now, with the convenience of online classes, accessing the benefits of prenatal yoga has never been easier.. we understand the unique needs of expectant mothers, which is why we are dedicated to providing high-quality pregnancy yoga classes online. Our classes are specifically designed to support women through every stage of pregnancy, offering a safe and nurturing space to connect with their bodies and their babies.

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Prental yoga
Pregnancy yoga

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