Monodeep Samanta - UX Designer & Consultant


London, England, UK

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+44 7810 293819


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127, Tabbard Apartments, E Acton Ln
W3 7NU

or call us on +44 7810 293819


Consultants by Monodeep Samanta - UX Designer & Consultant - "UX Designer & Consultant in London - Monodeep Samanta, a multi-award-winning UX/UI designer and Business Consultant from the London, United Kingdom Branding Expert with 14 years of experience in dealing with small companies and larger government enterprises. My prime focus is to Guide people to Live their Dreams. will help in "How to think and not what to think", I will be able to provide solutions for your Design or Business challenges. My extensive freelance UX designing experience helps me craft functional solutions for unique business needs. Whether you are a startup or a well-established company, I can understand your user's behavior and preferences. Then, I create a UI UX design that meets their expectations"

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