Moonshine Lamp Co


Long Beach, California, USA

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You can find us at

32088 CA-18,
Running Springs, CA USA

or call us on 08186214089


Manufacturing by Moonshine Lamp Co - About Moonshine Lamp Company, Handmade Custom Lighting Fixtures and Lighting Design Established in 2012, Moonshine Lamp Company designs and builds unique light fixtures that can be found all over the world.

"Rob Lewbel
Founder and Lighting Guru, Hi! I’m Rob Lewbel. Moonshine Lamp Company started as a weekend project that turned into a diverse lighting company now sought after by designers of custom residential and commercial lighting applications throughout the world. I love modern form, and the challenge of repurposing and recycling found objects like wood pieces and glass bottles. My background in lighting spans 20 years while working as a union certified lighting technician in the Southern California movie industry. On one of my first jobs as a lighting technician, I was handed a briefcase, some batteries, two small low voltage lights and was told to make it all work so that when the briefcase opens, a blast of golden light bursts onto the faces of the actors in Pulp Fiction. The rest, as they say, is history."""

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