NYC Mini Storage


New York City, New York, USA

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You can find us at

863 E 141 St

or call us on 929-593-2438


Transport by NYC Mini Storage - Are you looking to rent storage in NYC? All you have to do is to contact our NYC Mini Storage and we will be there for you! Our company is known for providing high-quality storage services and we will take care of all your belongings in the safest and easiest way. No matter how many belongings you have and what is type of them, our duty is to keep all your goods safe and secure during the whole process. From us, you can expect high-quality services and a team of experts who will assist you during the entire process. Just give us a call and tell us how many belongings you are planning to store and what is the type of them. In this way, we will find a suitable storage option and we will make sure that all your goods are safe while we keep them inside our facility!

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