P2L Playhouse



Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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Courses & Training

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You can find us at

9850 W Skye Canyon Park Dr Suite 190
Las Vegas, NV

or call us on 702-515-1430


Courses & Training by P2L Playhouse - P2L Playhouse is a Las Vegas play-based, performing arts preschool for children between 2 years and 5 years old. Our learning center's curriculum provides all the fundamentals to get your child ready for kindergarten and beyond!

Our curriculum includes S.T.E.M., Music, Dance, Art, Theater, and Language & Culture in which your child can express themselves and learn in their own creative way. As one of the best preschools in the area, we are committed to providing a safe, healthy, and stimulating environment for students to learn freely while being protected and cared for by our teachers and staff.

In addition to our commitment to early education, we proudly support military families. Contact us today to schedule a tour!

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