Peak Chiropractic


Medford, Oregon, USA

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(971) 328-3769


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You can find us at

North Plains
10355 NW Glencoe Road, Suite B

or call us on (971) 328-3769


Doctors by Peak Chiropractic - Peak Chiropractic is a clinic in North Plains, Oregon providing chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy and expert counseling to help relieve a wide assortment of conditions. Our patient's have achieved lasting relief from sciatica, migraines, knee and shoulder pain, numbness and tingling in the hands, painful joints of the neck and back and many other conditions. Our chiropractors have helped patients live the active and pain-free lifestyle they've always wanted for over 25 years.

Related queries for peak chiropractic

Back pain treatment
Neck pain treatment
Whiplash treatment
Sciatica treatment
Shoulder pain treatment

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