Plastic Trays


Nottingham, England, UK

01636 362025

Online Shops

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You can find us at

Field View Bathley Lane, Little Carlton
NG23 6BY

or call us on 01636 362025


Online Shops by Plastic Trays - The clue is in the name. At, our goal is to make it as easy as possible to source the plastic trays, containers, totes or crate you need. With a massive product range backed up by industry knowledge and experience, we are well equipped to support any requirement for any trays or associated equipment. From our warehouse in the heart of the midlands we have a substantial stock holding, able to offer fast delivery times and competitive prices. We take service very seriously and our aim is simple, to make it easy for you to source fit for purpose storage and handling equipment that you or your business can rely on. We believe this is achieved by offering an easy to use and hassle free online store, fully supported by an experienced and accessible team. Solution focussed, we are always keen to work closely with our customers on any requirement large or small, to ensure the most suitable products are put forward for given application.


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