Pro Physio & Sport Medicine Centres Jeanne d'Arc


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

(613) 824-6744

Massage Therapists

Listings by rizzi.citations (56)

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You can find us at

1887 St. Joseph Blvd
K1C 7J2

or call us on (613) 824-6744


Massage Therapists by Pro Physio & Sport Medicine Centres Jeanne d'Arc - The Pro Physio Jeanne d'Arc team is committed to providing the highest standard of care for your condition. We listen and look closely so that we can find the root cause of your problem. We believe in treating the person and not just the symptoms. We blend the science and experience together to find the best solution for your concerns.

We are dedicated to helping you achieve results and reach your goals as quickly as possible, and we stay up to date so that you can always expect the most current, evidence-informed care possible. We believe knowledge is power and that is why we not only fix you, but also teach you what went wrong so that you can be involved in prevention and maintenance.

Related queries for pro physio & sport medicine centres jeanne d'arc

Sport Therapy
Ergonomic Assessment
Functional Job Coaching
Functional Work Capacity Assessment
Cognitive Work Capacity Assessment
Cognitive Job Coaching
Chronic Pain

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