QC Kinetix (Grand Junction)



Grand Junction, Colorado, USA



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You can find us at

2646 Patterson Rd, Suite B, Grand Junction, CO,
Grand Junction

or call us on 9707475868


Doctors by QC Kinetix (Grand Junction) - Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure that many people consider when they are considering options for treating hip pain. However, many people are not comfortable undergoing a surgical procedure and find other hip replacement alternatives in Grand Junction, CO. If you have been told that hip replacement is the only option left, and if you are finding for other alternatives, then turn to our team of highly skilled medical providers today! At QC Kinetix (Grand Junction), we understand that hip pain can be debilitating and can interfere with your regular lifestyle. That is why we offer non-surgical treatments that allow you to move forward with your daily activities without the need for a surgical procedure. If you're ready to reduce hip pain and get back to working out and living the life you love with fewer limitations, let our physicians help you today!

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Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain associated with sports injuries
Arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions

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