Solar Armour Ltd


Brentwood, England, UK

0800 772 3461

Security Services

Areas we cover

north/east/south east grater london and hertfordshire
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You can find us at

65 Ongar Rd
CM15 9AZ

or call us on 0800 772 3461


Security Services by Solar Armour Ltd - Solar Armour is one of the leading solar panel installers in Es***. With years of experience, we understand the importance of quality work and excellent after-service care to ensure our customers' solar panel systems perform flawlessly.
Our team of experts finishes even the most complex installations with professionalism, expertise, and care. We never let our customers down, and our longstanding relationships with PV panel wholesalers give us the power to offer our customers fantastic prices. We also provide simple, competitive, and affordable financing in partnership with iDeal4Finance.
When you search for "solar installers near me" or "solar panel companies near me," Solar Armour is your trusted local choice. We pride ourselves on being a genuine, honest, and hard-working company from start to finish.
Trust us to make your switch to solar energy a smooth and rewarding experience. For more details, visit or call us at 0800 772 3461.

Services: Solar panel installations, Solar battery installations, EV charging installations, solar financing, Solar armour maintenance plan
Payment method : Visa, Credit Card, BACS
Business hours: Monday to Saturday - 9am to 6pm
Address : 65 Ongar Rd,Brentwood,Es***,CM15 9AZ,United Kingdom
Phone no : 0800 772 3461
Business mail : [email protected]

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Solar panel installations
Solar battery installations
EV charging installations
Solar financing
Solar armour maintenance plan

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