Springhealth Ltd



London, England, UK

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0207 700 3633

Fitness & Exercise

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You can find us at

Basement Unit 3 & 4, 400-404 York Way
N7 9LR

or call us on 0207 700 3633


Fitness & Exercise by Springhealth Ltd - At Springhealth Kickboxing we strive to create a community where you will always feel like you fit in. We offer lessons for kickboxing, boxing and Tabata. Our experienced instructors motivate and bring out the best in our students. Once we assess your current level of fitness and how much energy you can devote to our program, we can create a personalized training regimen that puts together an effective learning experience for you at your own pace. While learning the lessons, you'll also get in shape and ward off unwanted stress (both mental and physical). At Springhealth Kickboxing, as students progress through each level they earn their belts and build strong bonds with their fellow students, which makes it easier to stay motivated during your time with us! Contact us right away for more information.

Email id: [email protected]

Website: https://www.springhealth.co.uk/

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Kickboxing School

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