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Home & Garden

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You can find us at

327 Lake Village Drive

or call us on 601-718-0262


Home & Garden by Synergy² - At Synergy², we understand that it's not always easy to face a looming pest control problem head-on—especially when you're sleeping in your bed at night. That's why we provide our customers "Pest Control Your Way," with no long-term agreements required! It is that simple: We fulfill your request after hearing it from you! To create a barrier of protection surrounding your house, our Jackson exterminators put a special emphasis on prevention and science-based integrated pest management approaches. We keep insects away from our clients' residences, where they belong. Use us once or as frequently as you'd like! To create a twofold barrier of protection surrounding your property, we use pesticide technology in both granular and liquid forms. While granular pesticides can tolerate rain and irrigation to offer longer-lasting protection, liquid insecticides offer more fast insect control.

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