Tercero Inc



Los Angeles, California, USA

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You can find us at

3121 139th St. Unit B

or call us on 310-901-6508


Consultants by Tercero Inc - A Commercial Electrician, Electrical Contractor, Motor and Control Applications Specialists providing services in Los Angeles area.

Entrusting the electrical wiring of your business to a low or high voltage contractor is not a decision to make lightly. Rely on Tercero Inc. to assess, diagnose, and repair your industrial electrical needs, provide maintenance to any electrical system, conduct inspections, and provide documentation to ensure that your business follows regulatory codes.

Tercero Inc. has a first-class reputation among past and present customers, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP), Southern California Edison (SCE), and the Department of Building and Safety (LADBS), our goal is to provide ongoing excellent work.

No job is too big or too small! We take great pride in our work and count on repeat business and developing long lasting customer relationships.

Related queries for tercero inc

Commercial Electrician
Electrical Contractor
Motor and Control Applications Specialists

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