The Institute of Project Management


London, England, UK

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+44 2045321469


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71-75 Shelton St

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Consultants by The Institute of Project Management - Since its establishment in 1989, the Institute of Project Management has been unwavering in its commitment to delivering exceptional education, training, and certification in project management.

Over the years, we have empowered more than 40,000 individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in this rapidly expanding discipline, permeating the economy in various sectors. The demand for our education programmes and globally recognised certifications continues to exceed that of other professional development sectors.

Our philosophy’s core lies in steadfast dedication to remaining at the forefront of global project management practices and insights. To achieve this, we make substantial investments in actively engaging with the international project management community, ensuring that our offerings align with the latest advancements and best practices in the field.

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