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You can find us at

7001 Rowlett Rd

or call us on (800) 767-8468


Office Services by Tint - Tint World is more than just window tinting. Since 1982, we have been the leader in car customization and modification and have grown to hundreds of locations around the world!

We offer a full line of vehicle customization and window film solutions including: Auto Window Tinting, Marine Window Tinting, Home Window Tinting, Commercial Window Tinting, Car Wraps, Ceramic Coating, Car Audio Installation, Car Alarms, Remote Starts, Ceramic Coating, Paint Protection Film (PPF), and much more.

We love cool cars as much as you do and we are here to help you with professional advice and service. Stop by our window tinting store here in Rowlett and let us help you find the perfect solution for your unique project.

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