Tyre Treaders



Stafford, England, UK

07398 068 363

Tyres & Wheels

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You can find us at

Crown Street

or call us on 07398 068 363


Tyres & Wheels by Tyre Treaders - Tyre Traders, established in 2013, is the West Midlands' leading 24-hour tyre service company. Operating round the clock, 365 days a year, we offer a comprehensive mobile call-out service for all tyre requirements, including replacements, puncture repairs and locking wheel nut removals across a diverse range of vehicles. While our speciality lies in servicing supercars, we extend our expertise to cater to everyday hatchback cars as well. Through consistent growth, we've earned recognition as the top-ranking 24-hour mobile tyre-fitting company in the West Midlands. Our passion lies in assisting stranded motorists and understanding the stress and danger of roadside punctures. With our dedicated service, we ensure swift assistance and the highest quality solutions for all your emergency tyre needs, prioritising your safety and peace of mind.

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24/7 Emergency Call-Out
Mobile Tyre Fitting
Mobile Tyre Repair
Tyre Replacement
Locking Wheel Nut

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