Washington Dental



Los Angeles, California, USA

(310) 326-5183

Dental Health

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You can find us at

1834 Pacific Coast Highway

or call us on (310) 326-5183


Dental Health by Washington Dental - Website: https://www.thelomitadentist.com/

Washington Dental was founded to help you and your family with affordable and quality dental care. Our dental specialists help you achieve your dream smile in a welcoming and painless environment using ultra-modern technology. Our experienced dentists’ team understands your tight schedules, but you don't want to ignore the importance of dental health care.

Because of this, our clinic has various types of dental care experts under one roof. We are on standby, ready to help adults, youth, and children seeking dental services in Lomita, CA to achieve their desires and needs. We take pride in offering the highest dentistry standards while incorporating state-of-the-art technology to provide you with healthy and beautiful smiles.

If you are seeking quality dental healthcare services in Lomita, CA, your search ends here. At Washington Dental, we offer patients customized treatment plans to achieve the best smiles and boost confidence. Our dentists will take the time to review your dental history and discuss your oral goals. After that, we include you in the decision-making of ideal treatment.

Washington Dental offers you a serene family environment should you want to bring your loved ones for check-ups or treatment. We have multilingual staff, for example, Spanish-speaking assistants to help those who do not speak English. Call us today at 310-326-5183 for a consultation or appointment.

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