Wichita Liquidation Estate Sales



Wichita, Kansas, USA

(316) 258-9723

Property & Estate Management

Areas we cover

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You can find us at

1930 S Oliver Ave, Wichita, KS

or call us on (316) 258-9723


Property & Estate Management by Wichita Liquidation Estate Sales - At Wichita Liquidation Estate Sales, established in 2013, our main focus is providing superior estate liquidation and appraisal services to clients across Butler County, Harvey County, and other surrounding areas of Kansas. As a reputable estate liquidator, it is our promise to simplify the process for you and get the highest worth of your valuables. We combine years of experience with expertise in market trends to provide top-notch liquidation service. Let us take the stress out of downsizing, decluttering, or closing an estate. Trust us to turn your unused, sentimental, or inherited items into cash. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you!

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